Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
"菲尔普斯"层出不穷 美国新生代让世界震撼
Friday, October 5, 2007
忧郁: 3亿8千7百万
社交恐惧: 2亿1千4百万
伤后压力: 1亿1千3百万
一般焦虑: 1亿1千万
两极情绪无序(Bipolar disorder): 1亿3百万
15-20%比较严重的打鼾者在打鼾时会短暂地停止呼吸,这被称为sleep apnea
Sleep apnea减少深度睡眠并且极大地增加心脏病的危险
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Question: With your passion for life and positive attitude, have you thought about the idea that the math may be wrong? -- Vicky, Oakland Park, Fla.
Randy Pausch: Oh, I certainly am not opposed to a miracle. I would love for my doctors to be saying to me, boy, this -- we can't explain this at all, right. I'd love that and certainly I've considered that, and I never give up hope. But having, having hope for something that you think is really, really unlikely to happen is not inconsistent with confronting the reality and doing the things you need to do with what is presumably a very small amount of time left. And I don't view those as being contradictory at all.
Q: If you could have chosen years ago to have known the knowledge that you would get this disease with its predicted outcome, would you have elected to be told? -- Sandy, Farmingham, Mich.
R.P.: As an academic, I'm always inclined to say that, you know, information is better than not having it. Answering this question in real time, I'm not quite sure -- the question that really begs is, if you roll the clock back far enough and I knew I was gonna die, I'd be really questioning, you know, would I have had children if I'd known that they were going to be at their current ages and I was gonna die.
I think that would be a responsible question that any thinking person would stare hard in the mirror.
The thing that's related to this that I will absolutely say is that, you know, would you rather get hit by a bus or get, you know, a couple of months' notice? I don't like the physical pain part of this that comes at the tail end, but there's no doubt in my mind, speaking only for myself, that having a couple of months' notice is infinitely better than getting hit by the proverbial bus.
And that's because it allows you time to sort of lessen the impact on others who are going to suffer consequences and do everything you can to make their lives easier. And I saw my father, who also died of cancer do that for my mother and use his remaining time very, very effectively and I knew she was very grateful for that.
Q: If you could study any new subject you haven't pursued yet, what would it be? -- Jack, Galveston, Texas
R.P.: Oh man! You didn't tell me the questions were gonna be this hard! One of my great regrets is that I never forced myself, and I won't say I never had the time or made the time -- I never forced myself to really learn a musical instrument. And so, particularly now that I have children, I would have really liked to have forced myself to do that so that I could put music into their lives. So I think that that would be, you know, if that's a fair answer to the question, the topic would be, you know, playing music.
dear randy&family.god bless each of you at this difficult time like so many other people, i too lost the love of my life to pancreatic cancer my bff( my mother).shes been gone 14 months now.and the pain is still so was a life changing expierence for our family.she was diagonsed in april. i couldnt stop the .tears streaming down my face as the dr. told us the the oldest of 5 children all grown now(with the youngest being 30)..i followed the dr. out of the room i choked on my words as i asked how long she had left,he said months.i realized he couldnt even say 6 months.we left the drs, office to stop for lunch as we sat at the rest.i forced myself to order lunch .i didnt feel like eating i felt like throwing mom said to us I CAN BE BRAVE IF YOU KIDS CAN BE STRONG.i never cried in front of her afterwards, i was just there for her ,supporting her.taking her to chemo,sitting with her holding her hand.she was indeed the bravest person ive ever known..she passed away on sept 10 2006.on this day i prayed to god to take her.she had been on oxogen 24-7 .28 pills a day and shots in the belly for blood clots 12 days.before she died she said iim done with all treatment ,before she began the transition period as i sat by her bed i told her i loved her and i was REALLY gonna miss her and she said and oh how i love you honey and im really gonna miss you too.i said be honest the day she died i felt better than i had in 5 months ,she was no longer the weeks and months that followed i realized that part of me too had died;i was closer to my mom than anyone in the world..since her death at times i feel so blessed for having her as long as i did.other times i felt.ripped off,i wasnt ready to lose mother believed in god and that he had other plans for her.i apologized to god for i felt he must of been on vacation all the times i prayed. god bless you and at this time.i know what your going thru..
我的周末 1/11/2025 - 1/12/2025
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