Monday, October 17, 2005

Hillary Clinton对她丈夫的评论

"He's the kind of person you really want to be married to for 30 years because he washes dishes," she said. "I just sort of consider him our homeland security defense person. He's there cleaning up and making sure everything works."


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我的周末 1/11/2025 - 1/12/2025

星期六 LD要去Facial Treatment,我去8大道买菜,买午饭。 下午出去走了两圈。 把厨房和饭厅的地擦了,鱼缸的水换了。 衣服洗了。   星期天 上午出去走了两圈。应该是跑步的,但嗓子有点紧,还有点咳嗽,小心为上。 出去买了点东西。 下午继续收拾橱柜。 把暖气的通风口...